Monday, August 10, 2009

The Snowbirds of Summer


This past Friday we all went up to Snowbird for my dad's work party. Usually work and party are oxymorons. But, in this case, there were plenty of thrills to keep me talking about it for days.

The best part was the Alpine Slide. The picture above is me riding it with mommy.

I also got to ride a ski lift, which was lots of fun.


They also had big inflatable slides and other activities. I wanted to go on the tram, but the weather was starting to get ugly, and mom and dad said we'd have to wait until next time.

Of course, all the fun was pretty much for big kids. So, once again, the only thing Reece could do was watch. DSCN5223

Maybe next year, kiddo.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Say Cheese.


Over the weekend mom and dad took us up to Red Butte Garden to get some "official summer photos" (hence the matching shorts). Colin wasn't being a very cooperative model. But I guess he just knows that--unlike me--he doesn't really have a shot to do this stuff professionally.

Mom was happy, despite the fact that she learned they replaced the Perennial Garden where she and dad got married with a new Rose Garden.

Anyway, here are some of the better pics (even a couple of Colin). If you would like to hire me for professional modeling, please contact my agent.

IMG_2655a  IMG_2736a
IMG_2729a IMG_2689
IMG_2741a IMG_2666a

Monday, July 6, 2009

Reece vs. Colin: 6-Month Edition


I went to the doctor a few weeks back and got a clean bill of health along with my stats. I have no real comment, other than to say Colin is a chubby shrimp.

Reece Colin
Weight15.3 lb15th15.5 lb25th
Height26-3/8 in50th26 in45th
Head Circ.44.2 cm55th44.2 cm55th

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Daddy's Day


Sunday, of course, was Father's Day. For fun we went up to Oakridge and met my buddy Jack's family for brunch.

The food was good, but the best part was when Jack's dad broke out the golf clubs. I got some good short-game practice in.


Here I am with a tap-in for par. Jack's helping me line up the putt.

Then I was able to work on my bunker game for awhile

We took some pictures with dad, but they somehow got corrupted on the camera card.

Oh well, it was still a great day out on the links.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

To My 6 mo. Bro!


Just wanted to wish Reece a happy 6-month birthday.

Well, mostly I wanted to make a point. And usually I wouldn't dignify his smack talk with a response. But...

Until you can master the left-handed, upside-down spoonful of Spaghettios with one arm behind your back, I wouldn't be spouting off about about who is trying to pattern their eating style after who.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Not-So-Solid Food


Sorry that it has been so long since any of us have updated the blog. I don't know what excuse Colin has (probably simple buttheadedness) but I've been using my energy trying to learn how to eat solid food.

We kicked things off with rice cereal a couple weeks ago. It wasn't bad. Wasn't good. But it wasn't bad.

Then mom tried some peas. (Blech!)

Then there were carrots. (Meh.)

Sweet potatoes were a few days later. (I could get used to those.)

Then it was peas again. (Seriously, no thank you.)

Tonight we tried squash. (Hmm, interesting. Can I have some milk, please?)

Colin seems to be very interested in all my food, which is odd because, according to mom and dad, he wouldn't eat most of this stuff when he was my age.

Just another example of Colin trying to be more like me.

Well, I don't know how all you grownups eat this stuff. But at least it makes my poop stinkier, which I find rather hilarious.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



The weather outside was finally far from frightful this weekend. So we got to play outside.

Everyone took a trip to the park on Saturday. I swung the swings.

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I slid the slide.

I pedaled my bike.

And all Reece could do was watch.

Then, we headed back home so I could spend some quality time with my new favorite toy: My "Choo-choo Track"
